
Additional Services

Home Additional Services

At Design Fine Ltd. we strive to provide our clients with full Engineering services from initial site measurements, preparing building permit drawings, and obtaining the building permit in a timely manner.

We provide Engineering and Architecture drawings:

Our experts in structure design have extensive experience in designing steel, concrete and wood frame structures. We are competent in finding out reasons of structural collapse/failure and offer expert witness in court cases.

New house construction (Re-Zoning to Building permit)

Interior Renovation

Legal Basement Apartment Permit (2nd Unit)

Finish Basement Permit (Use by owner)

New proposed addition (sunroom, deck, garage, addition including 2nd story)

New openings (door or windows)

Load bearing wall removal

Our Drawings include:

  • Existing floors plans
  • Demolition Plan
  • Proposed floor plans
  • Proposed Elevations
  • HVAC drawings with heat loss calculations
  • Plumbing drawings


Legal Basement Apartment permit, side entrance permit, new door or window permit, interior renovation permit (load bearing wall removal other). Engineering Drawings now available to apply to the city within few days.

Interior Renovation Permits